Water & Sewer

Water & Sewer Distribution, Collection, and Treatment

Water and sewer utility lines are maintained by the Public Works Department.  The Town draws water from Dutch Buffalo Creek and treats it for distribution and consumption.  All sewer is treated at the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treat Plant (RRRWTP), which is currently being expanded.


All bills may be paid at the Town Hall 24 hr. drop box, the billing office at Town Hall between 8:00am-4:30pm Monday-Friday, by phone with a debit/credit card, online, by automatic draft from a checking or savings account, or through the mail.

Customer accounts for services will be due and payable on the 20th of the month following receipt of the services. Customer accounts not fully paid will become delinquent on the 21st which will subject the account to a delinquent charge of $10.

If a bill is unpaid after the 5th day of the month following the due date of the bill, service shall be cut off by locking or removing the meter. The outstanding balance, plus all penalties ($40 reconnect fee), shall be paid before water service is restored. 

Billing & Service Questions



After Hours
Water/Sewer Emergencies

Leave a message. Calls will be returned quickly.