The last few manholes to be replaced will take place over the next few weeks. On Monday, January 27 and Tuesday, January 28, utility contractors will be working to replace a manhole on the western end of Lee Street. The end of Lee Street will be closed for these two days while the work is completed. ...
In December, the Town of Mount Pleasant awarded contracts to the lowest responsible bidders for the Lower Adams Creek Sewer Outfall Project and Water Distribution Improvements. When the lowest bid for the Water Distribution Improvements came in 40% higher than estimate in October, the Town worked...
As water and sewer infrastructure projects gear up, please visit mpncfuture site to view maps and project updates for more information.
Mount Pleasant now has its second mural in the “Layers of History” mural program. “Greetings from Mont Amoena” honors the legacy of the Mont Amoena Female Seminary which educated young women from 1859 to 1927 in Mount Pleasant. The name “Mont Amoena” was derived...