
In December, the Town of Mount Pleasant awarded contracts to the lowest responsible bidders for the Lower Adams Creek Sewer Outfall Project and Water Distribution Improvements.  When the lowest bid for the Water Distribution Improvements came in 40% higher than estimate in October, the Town worked quickly with the Town of Midland and Senator Paul Newton and his staff to include a technical correction in legislation to shift $3 million in unused ARPA funds from the Town of Midland to the Town of Mount Pleasant to complete these vital infrastructure projects.  Thanks to this collaborative and expedient effort, the majority of both projects will be completed as originally proposed.  Low bidder Elite Infrastructure Inc. of Monroe, NC was awarded the contract to construct the Lower Adams Creek Sewer Outfall in the amount of $4,921,715, for a total project budget of $5,822,971.  The contract for the Water Distribution Improvements was awarded to low bidder State Utility Contractors, Inc. of Monroe, NC with an adjusted project scope in the amount of $8,876,713. Work is expected to begin in Spring 2025.